Saturday, March 10, 2012

Don't have much time here!

I'm having family from both sides come over so I really need to clean up, but I thought I should blog for a minute. Paisley is still seizure free and is cooing her little head off. She smiles not only at the ceiling fan, but us now. I took the first half of an infant massage class and will be taking the next part on Tuesday. Paisley and I really love it! I read a book the instructor gave me and it even talks about the ACTH hormone in the brain during massage and during stress so it's really something I look forward to! I also get a follow up visit from the vision specialist that saw us two weeks ago. I really learned a lot from her. Paisley got her SSI back, so we still have the insurance she needs. Keeping my fingers crossed that things stay this good! Sorry so short xoxoxo.

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